put in the research.


Wildeck is a leading U.S. manufacturer of industrial steel work platforms (mezzanines), lifts, safety guarding products, industrial ladders, crossovers, and more. Wildeck products can enhance profitability by improving operational capacity, efficiency, and safety. But in an increasingly commoditized industry, Wildeck needed to uncover insights that would help elevate and differentiate its brand, and asked HY to lend our expertise.


Due to highly specialized target audience, HY created a customized research approach to help understand the extended, multi-step decision and distribution process for Wildeck’s offerings.


  • competitors > reviewed 16 competitors' marketing and communication efforts
  • internal > held stakeholder interviews from multiple disciplines at Wildeck
  • partners > dealer and distributor interviews and surverys


  • positioning that highlighted Wildeck's problem-solving approach
  • pathway for creative platform

more work

WEDC | Consumer Insights & Experience

how do you get numerous audiences to sing from the same song book?

WEDC Talent Attraction | Full Service

what if we show people how cool WI is, from new tech to Top Chef?